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and GM
GM, San Francisco
likes: fighting games, 2D, big breasted video game characters, podcasts, coffee, Star Trek,
getting into fist fights
dislikes: Sony, HALO, organic food, iPods, EB Games, macs
Roy, Los Angeles
likes: meat, polyester twill pants, cuddling, Pride FC, sweaters, PDAs, Tekken
dislikes: Itagaki's face, RPG players,
HALO/HALO players, The Beatles, "brahs", winter, Xbox controllers,
crooked titties, Star Wars fans
007 :: Minute Monday News |
filed:10/03/2005 by GM
Things you should take into consideration.
15 Year Old Boys Only - Something always pisses off someone who knows nothing. From events like Ice-T's Cop Killer, Laura Bush against everything, and the Dance Dance Revolution Solo2k machine incident, people who know completely nothing about what they're against have seemed to ruin things for the rest of us. But how often have I said, "I feel like playing a hentai dating sim" and fifteen minutes later I'm downloading one off the internet? I don't even play GTA anymore since finishing Vice City with 100%. While the politicians "cut down" on sex and violence in video games, I'll always have Japan. Thank you Japan for scat and pedo pr0n. Thank you Japan for the endless amounts of DOAX hentai doujin I read on a daily basis. Thank you Mai Shiranui for fucking everything and everyone in Japan. Nippon ichi! read: CNET - Adult-oriented video games prospering
HALO and DOA fans - Both sharing equally bad taste, though HALO fans worse, it would be horrible to see these two groups get together. I'm sure the HALO fags who showed up to EVO this year were wondering why DOA wasn't included in the competition line-up. "Why are they playing these shitty pixely games?" "Dude, only faggots play these kinds of games." Over the course of me sitting outside the main event hall at EVO, three HALO people had come up to me and asked me for a cigarette. The first one took two puffs then put it out. HE WASTED A WHOLE CIGARETTE. He did this right in front of me too. So when the next two people came up to me, I just yelled at them about the evils of being a piece of trash. I love titties as much as the next person, if not more, but Dead or Alive isn't a fighting game. And HALO is just like every other FPS. Get a new hobby, Xbox inbreds. read: 1UP - HALO Character in DOA4
Americans Can't Do Anything Right - Gizmondo. Besides having a really dumb name for a product that reminds me of a lunchbox drink (Mondo), Gizmondo's company is already facing criticism based on potential corruption and shady actions in general. Is it all a misunderstanding? Who cares. Their handheld sucks. Where's my Game Gear? read: Spong - Gizmondo Execs Respond to Corruption Insinuations GamePro - Gizmondo Planning To Invade US Cities
Trying to Be Cool - Apparently politicians (again) are up in arms about Marc Ecko's Getting Up. What I'm wondering is where the fuck were these people when Jet Set Radio was released? Oh wait, I forgot. No one noticed the Dreamcast at all besides otaku-tachi and kids who burnt copies of Dreamcast games. Whatever. Yet again, I'm positive Jet Set Radio is ten times better than Getting Up. Sega, you're always a winner with me. It's not because I want/need a job and it just so happens that your HQ is simply a bus ride away for me. Yeah.. And what the hell is up with this new "urban" trend in video games? Stop it. read: Yahoo! Game News - Marc Ecko Tags the Web
Mobile Otaku - I already posted about Square giving up the console market and paying attention more to mobile games. Well, thank god! Because since Sony is cutting down on PSP mods, I might not be able to play SNES titles of Final Fantasy anymore! What will I do? Play them on my cellphone! Omfg! The following news story only mentions the Wonder Swan version of Final Fantasy being released, but it wouldn't surprise me that Square would want to make money off of FF1-6 YET AGAIN with a rerelease for cellphones. Ugh, I swear, if I have to hear annoying FF music when I'm on the bus because some annoying girl with homemade loose socks is playing on her cellphone.. I already get into fist fights on the bus, to say the least. And I have no problem hitting women. read: GamePro - FF and DQ Coming to Mobile Phones in US
Nightmare Before and After - I help out at a comic book store in my spare time. And since 1997, I've seen a steady stream of Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise flood the store. I never understood this, considering the movie came out in 1993. And still, even to this day, we still receive new merchandise and I even see the stuff in places like Hot Topic now. I don't understand what Nightmare Before Christmas had to do with the Disney universe in Kingdom Hearts, besides an excuse to make Donald Duck and Goofy look like zombies. Why does everyone suck Tim Burton's cock so much? The movie wasn't that great. The only reason why I'd watch the Corpse Bride is to support stop motion animation, but I might as well watch Wallace and Gromit. At least they spell things the English way like I do. read: Game Infowire - Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge
filed under: hentai, HALO, Gizmondo, Marc Ecko, Dreamcast, Sega, otaku, Tim Burton

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