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Roy and GM

GM, San Francisco
fighting games, 2D, big breasted video game characters, podcasts, coffee, Star Trek, getting into fist fights
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Roy, Los Angeles
meat, polyester twill pants, cuddling, Pride FC, sweaters, PDAs, Tekken
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011 :: In the News

filed:10/18/2005 by GM

Craigslist asks Oodle to stop using their classified ads. What some people consider "helping", most just consider siphoning information to be used as content since whomever is too lazy to create any content themselves.

LeapFrog, quite possibly the only company directed towards young children that has impressed me in recent years, has been advertising for their Fly pentop computer for weeks on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. I'd get one if it weren't expensive.

Every single Xbox360 event that's been held since HALO 2 fever has died down, the question has been asked.. When is HALO 3 coming out? While I don't care, I'm growing dreadfully tired of hearing about it. Bungie is working on something. Is Bungie trying to pull a Rockstar by keeping quiet and working on something completely different in the meanwhile? At this rate, it could be years for another HALO if indeed they aren't working on it currently. We'll have another Gran Turismo situation on our hands.
Kikizo - Microsoft Tiptoes Around HALO

Something Roy might like to hear. SNK Playmore is releasing a dating sim for i-mode-supporting cellphones in Japan. GM's picks for who to romance? Mai (she's fucked all of Japan already) and Kula (even though she might have a penis). You even have a rival guy in the game. The artwork is pretty skanky. Good going SNK. Other cute things for your cellphone thanks to SNK? Tennis, Samurai Spirits and Metal Slug. Playing fighting games on your cellphone will hurt your fingers..

If you've been watching Adult Swim lately and been wondering about what the hell is Gametap yet always forget to check, I suggest heading over to Gaming Age. They have a two part introduction to the service. And even after reading, I still haven't been to the website. I just like their Mexican village PacMan commercial.

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