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012 :: Stubbs the Zombie

filed:10/18/2005 by GM

I actually checked EP's email today and found an email from someone on behalf of M80 & Ignited Minds, about a little game called Stubbs the Zombie. While normally I don't humour street teamish promotion, this game just seemed bad enough for me to reply.

Stubbs the Zombie made by a bunch of ex-Bungie people. It runs on the HALO engine amongst other things that're similar to HALO. Automatically, between me and Roy, we have something against the game. I love zombies but feel that lately the topic has been overdone.

In the game, you play a zombie attacking people. That's about it. There's co-op.. and it plays like HALO co-op. Oh well.

They're trying to shove the soundtrack down everyone's throats. Just because they have faggoty groups like Deathcab, Phantom Planet and the Walkmen, they think they have some sort of cred. When searching for Stubbs the Zombie video game, I got more results for the soundtrack than the actual game website itself. Because we all know that all the kids who love zombies are apparently indie emo rejects. Boo-hoo, my girlfriend ate me!

The community for this game would be the same if it were about pirates. It seems now a days developers can make weird video games about certain topics and then all of a sudden have street teams promoting them.

The only thing I have to say about this game that's good is that their analog artwork is nice. That doesn't count for much.

If this review hurts anyone, go listen to some Deathcab.

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